Chevrolet Repair: Starter GMC 3500 5.7L, gmc 3500, gmc van
QuestionQUESTION: My husband is trying change the starter on our car 1998 GMC Van 3500 5.7L. The change the parts but when he goes plug the red batery cable back this get fire. What he need do? Seems he did all the conections on the starter right but he can't plug the batery cable back.
ANSWER: Disconnect the battery cable at the battery and then install the cable at the starter and then you will need to put cable back on battery and see if there is fire.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: He already did all that, and still get fire. He notice that when he plug the battery back the starter is on, and stay on even with the key turned off. I bold this starter in a junk yard. Can be something wrong with the starter or some problem with the ignition? What should we do to make sure what is going on?
AnswerSounds like you have a shorted starter. Yes it is a junkyard starter and that probably is what the problem is. Make sure the purple wire at the starter does not have power all the time with a test light. If it does then you have an ignition porblem.