Chevrolet Repair: transmission trouble, forward gears, manual transmission
QuestionI have a 1989 1500 4x4 with manual transmission-4 speeds with overdrive. Truck has no reverse, but all forward gears work. Could this just be a simple shifter top problem, or does it sound like tranny will have to come out? Thanks
AnswerHi Don, is that trans a top loader, if it is pull the shifter then remove all the bolts in the top of the trans. make sure that you are not in a gear then lift top of trans housing. once off look at the shifter forks and make sure that the first /reverse fork hasn't lost it's locator pin and that it works in both directions. if it does look in trans if trans is damaged you should be able to see it. usually if fork works you will need to repair or replace trans...hope this helps