Chevrolet Repair: 1989 chevy 350 lopping help ?, egr solenoid, vacuum hoses

have a 1989 k1500 4x4 with 350 tbi. here is my problem, when you give it gas its like its flooding out or lopping. i have no smoke coming from tail pipe so im not sure if its flooding, i have changed egr valve, tps,o2 sensor,idle air control, new gasket under tbi and cleaned tbi while it was off. new vacuum hoses there are only 4. now get this when i unplug the egr solenoid the problem goes away. i went to parts house and a buddy let me take one outside to check it and it done the same thing with new egr solenoid. I changed fuel filter plug wires and plugs, distributor cap and rotor about 6 mths ago. had codes ran and came up with egr, but the solenoid is unplugged. it idles fine and you can press the pedal past this problem. but it is at the location of when you are backing up and the amount of pressure thats on the pedal that the lopping starts. anyone that could help please do so.  

I don't really understand what you mean by loping or flooding.

I assume you mean you have a "tip in hesitation"?

If you do have a hesitation or bog on normal acceleration (not hard acceleration) I would re-look at the EGR system.
Make sure all the vacuum lines are routed correctly.
Disconnect and plug the egr valve. - Road test the vehicle and if the Bog or hesitation is's most likely a defective EGR valve. I have replaced many valves that become weak and over-apply when accelerating. You say you already replaced the EGR valve thou. I have had some problems with aftermarket EGR valves. I like using the original part.

Also watch the TBI while accelerating the throttle. Are you getting a nice spray pattern. Are both injectors spraying equally?

Did you replace all these items to chase down this problem or did this problem appear after you replaced all these parts.

Again recheck the EGR vacuum circuit and get back to me with more info if anything I stated does not help you.