Chevrolet Repair: 1996 2.4L cavalier automatic, engine cranks, crank sensor
QuestionEngine cranks, no start conditon.Car would spit and sputter when spraying staring fluid through air intake, so i assumed no fuel. Replaced the fuel pump assembly. Pump now cycles on with the key, however engine will not start, and no longer spits or sputters when using starting fluid, acts like theres no spark. Tested ignition module and coil pack assembly by switching the assembly with one from a running 2.4L Grand Am, and the Grand Am started immediately. Replaced crank sensor, and still acts like no spark.What throws me off is the plugs show no signs of excessive fuel, they aren't fuel fouled at all. Please help me
AnswerI assume that you do have spark per your description.
Check for codes first.
Check fuel pressure with a gauge. Is it good and does it hold.
Are you sure there is gas in the tank. If it's under a quarter tank add some.
Check fuel injector pulse circuit.