Chevrolet Repair: 1996 Buick Roadmaster; Cooling / trans noise, 1996 buick roadmaster, buick roadmaster

engine cooling fan does not go on( it works ok when powerd by cross wire). The air cooling fan does work when air is on. does engine fan have fuse? and where is the temperature sensor?
trans makes hissing sound when idling in drive only and it reduces when driving at higher speeds.

I can try to help you with the cooling fans but I'm not a transmission should re-submit another question for the trans to one of the other Tech's on this site.

First you have not told me if you have any overheating problems or you just notice that the fan does not operate.

I would try this first:
Check all fuses underhhood and in dash.

Make sure coolant level is full.

Let the engine idle until it gets hot enough (around 200 degrees)and see if the primary fan comes on. It should come on before the engine overheats. If it does not come on you'll need to diagnose that circuit.

If fan does come on and operate ok, then disconnect that fan motor and continue to run engine to get it even hotter to see if the secondary fan comes on. It should come on before engine overheats. If it does not operate, you'll have to diagnose that circuit.

Both have fuses and relays.