Chevrolet Repair: 1991 2500 vandura, wire insulation, batt cable
QuestionTurned headlights on when driving and the van died, turns over but headlights,horn,radio,fuel pump have no power, regular fuses are fine. Put gas in carb and vechical starts. Is and where might I find inline fuse or something that might cause those four things to not work. Short in wiring or something much easier Im hoping.
Answersounds like a fusable link. Start looking around the positive batt cable. There should be a small wire from the terminal going into a harness or to a block. From there trace back.
Get a test light that you can probe into wire insulation. Look for power loss behind the links when you track them down.
The original culpret may be a bad headlight switch.
I cannot be more specific without seeing the van. These shorts can be anywhere.