Chevrolet Repair: trim on impala chevy 2004, razor knife, car paint
Questioni have a chevy impala 2004 and the trim on the outside of the door is coming off what can i do?
Answerjust checking the past unanswered questions. Sorry about the delay. You asked another expert and they put your question in the 'pool'. From there any of us can answer it. If you still have the problem, I hope this helps. If not, don't let this experience deter you from another question in the future. Refer it to me...C J S.
They make a good quality trim adhesive. Comes in a tube. Squeeze out like toothpaste.
Clean area with rubbing alcohol. Use a good painter masking tape that peels off easily and leaves no residue. Apply the adhesive on the area you want to stick down. Use the tape to hold the trim on tight. Let dry overnight. If any adhesive squishes out and can be seen, use a razor knife, or a wet rag to clean off the excess. Careful not to cut the car paint if you use a knife. The adhesive will be gummy when dry and should come off easily.
Of course, if the trim you talk of is held on by a clip, then the clip may be broken and need replacement. Get that at the dealer. If the tab on the trim piece that the clip connects to is broken, then you may need a new trim piece. Dealer or junkyard in that case.