Chevrolet Repair: 1996 chevy 5.7 lire engine swap, chevy 5 7, obd ii

I have a 96'chevy truck witha bad 5.7litre. I have a 5.0 from a 98'. Will everything work, or do I have to change computers, or distributors or what? Please help.

just checking the past unanswered questions.  Sorry about the delay.  You asked another expert and they put your question in the 'pool'.  From there any of us can answer it.  If you still have the problem, I hope this helps.  If not, don't let this experience deter you from another question in the future.  Refer it to me...C J S.

Both should be OBD-II.  That is good.  Physically it will innerchange.  That means mounts, bell housing, fit of engine compartment.  Use the exhaust manifolds from old motor.  Those are probably different.

You may have to change the computer.  Take as much from the donor as you can.  Main things to consider is computer, wiring harness.  What is the sophistication of engine in relation to the transmission?  

These are usually a little bit of a headache.  Probably be alright in the end.  5.0 is weak compared to 5.7 HP.