QuestionI ahve a 1988 Chevy Conversion Van and there is oil leaking between the passenger and driver side seats. It creates a puddle near 6 inches wide when left to leak overnight. Would anyone know a way to fix this or
WHAT IT IS that is leaking?
Answerjust checking the past unanswered questions. Sorry about the delay. You asked another expert and they put your question in the 'pool'. From there any of us can answer it. If you still have the problem, I hope this helps. If not, don't let this experience deter you from another question in the future. Refer it to me...C J S.
Leaking from this area, I assume you mean outside the truck onto the ground, can be a few different places. They include but are not limited to the rear main seal, oil pan gasket, oil pan, dip stick, valve cover, rear of intake manifold, oil sending unit, and so on.
What color is the oil? Red--then could be transmission problem. Black then motor oil.
I know those types of motor have thin oil pans and they develop leaks. Pin holes in pan, so small you cannot see it. To determine, wipe off pan, start van and look for leaks. May need to warm up oil first. Oil takes longer to heat up than the heater will. Just let it idle in the driveway.
I suspect a pan with a hole. this can be fixed with JB Weld, found at any auto part store. Prep the area real good. Drain the oil. sand pan down to shiny metal. apply JB as directed. If preped correctly, this will fix the problem...if the problem is a pan with a hole.
If a gasket, some are harder to fix than others.