Chevrolet Repair: chevy caviler transmission, chevy caviler, torque converter

we have a 97 chevy caviler and we was drivin it and all of a sudden it was in drive and it wouldnt move but u can hear it rap out and now it wont move in any of the gears  is there any kind of fuses or modlues that we should check

A loss of all gears including reverse is bad.  It could be the torque converter is bad, it could be the transmission fluid pump is bad, it could be the fluid filter fell off and is in the trans pan disconnected, it could be the transaxle drive chain/belt, it could be a complete loss of fluid pressure for some reason (leak, internal failure in vavle body, etc).

Take it in for a road test, but be prepaired for the standard " needs to be opened up to see what happened".