Chevrolet Repair: 91 corisca a/c, wont kick, fuse box
QuestionQUESTION: the a/c compressor wont kick on.was working great.if the engine got real hot would that have something to do with it? is there another fuse besides the one in the fuse box on the side of the dash? hope you can help
ANSWER: Hi Mike,
Most likely low on refrigerant. I am not sure if you require R-12 or R-134a. Find the bigger hose from the back of the compressor. Follow that to a large canister, usually silver. If not cold, you are low. Unplug the sensor and jump the two prongs in the harness. That should dummy the compressor to thinking the system has enough coolant. Don't run this way long. Could damage the compressor if you leave this that way.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: thanks cjs for your help.i just retrofitted it to r134a today its full of freon still wont kick on.i appreciate any other advice you can give me.thank you,sincerely mike
AnswerHi again Mike,
You either have a pressure issue or a clutch issue. If it is pressure, then jump those wires at the accumulator to make the system think you have good pressure. If that works, then the pressure switch is bad. If not, then you may be plugged at the orafice tube. Too much pressure. Could also be a bad clutch or clutch switch.
Hard to tell not being there. You need some diagnostics from here.