Chevrolet Repair: 95 Caprice 9C1 stalls, caprice 9c1, electric cooling fans
QuestionI recently acquired a 95 Caprice 9C1 ex-police cruiser from a local PD. I've replaced the alternator because I could hear and feel the rear bearing going (flaming hot shortly after start-up and noisy). Both prior to that, and after, the car will, for no apparent reason, die. Sometimes it runs like a champ, and sometimes it kills itself before I leave the parking lot. When it does die it's nearly impossible to resart unless I let it sit for a few minutes. I tried pulling trouble codes off the OBD-I interface but all that does is kick on the electric cooling fans. Any ideas? Thanks for your time.
AnswerHI Keith,
The car may be OBD-II which won't give codes the way the older cars did. '96 was the year all cars went to OBD-II. Some went early. It could also be that the wrong prongs were grounded when you tried to pull the codes.
I think the problem may be an overheating ign. module. You can have this checked prior to buying a new one. It is usually in the distributor, but my LT-1 it is mounted on the front of the motor, on the driver side head. It could be behind the alt. that was overheating. This could have fried the module.