Chevrolet Repair: 81 2dr malibu 350 wont start, quadrajet carb, fuel starvation
QuestionI just ported and polished the head's and bolted them on.I put on a old school torker high rise intake and a quadrajet carb.
I have spark and gas and compression but it still wont start.
the distributer is correct and tdc was done dad say's I might not have much gas in the tank.but i look into the carb and it is spraying just not sure if it is spraying enough.It will runn for a bit if i dump some in manually but very rough.if i keep giving it gas really fast at the carb it will run and die.fuel starvation? checked the line and filter seems ok.I am thinking because it is a stock cam maybe the intake is to big? or when i re seated the valves maybe i didnt do a good enough job?but it would still run right? any help would be awesome as i want to get this car running after all the hard work i have done and alot of customizing to make that intake work.thanx for your help
AnswerI can't say for sure cause I need to be there to properly diagnose the problem but I wonder if the engine backfired through the carb? If so the fuel starvation could be because you blew out the power valve in the carb. Quadrajets are known to do that if it backfires. Also to check to make sure the timing is correct, get #1 cylinder back on tdc, when it's there pull the distributor cap. The rotor should be pointing at the alternator which is usually located on the driver side of the motor. If it's not then your distiributor is off. As far as the valves, they may just need some more adjustment.
Also, the fuel starvation could be due to the floats in the carb may need to be adjusted. I would start with this first.