Chevrolet Repair: 1996 Chevy blazer, chevy blazer, fuel pressure

I have this 96 blazer 4.3. My wife was driving it just fine, when she stopped at a store, it wouldnt start. It turns over, but it dont fire. The fuel pump is working because you can hear it.

Hi Jay,
First, you need to make sure there is spark at the plug wires.
If there is, then I would check the fuel pressure, to make sure it is correct.
If it is, then checking for pulsed power at the injectors is next. There is a fuse, probably marked inj. Make sure it isn't blown.
But that is 12 volts going to one side of the injectors when the key is in run. And make sure it is there in crank also. You could have a bad ignition switch.
