QuestionQUESTION: 76,560 miles on it, very sluggish at take off. It it is warmed up does not do it as bad. Will sometimes die on take off. Replaced 02 sensor, primary, it was bad, didn't help. Catalyctic convertor is good, TPS is good, could it be the mass air flow thing? Is that a sensor? Anything else it could be? Thank You, Nina
ANSWER: Actually it sounds like you might have a bad vacuum line. Usually if any of those parts go bad you will have a check engine light on. If you know or have a friend that knows how I would suggest to have a vacuum tester put on it. Your vehichle should have somewhere around 12 to 16 inch pounds of vacuum at idle. If this is the case you have rubber and plastic lines. One of them could have come undone or could be cracked. An easy way to check them under the hood is take a can of carb cleaner and while it is running, lightly spray around every vacuun line you can find. If it's not that then go ahead and have your mass air flow sensor checked. Hope this helps and good luck.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Had mass air flow sensor replaced, it was bad. When you mash down on the pedal, it won't go. Not all the time, no pattern to it, just every now and then. Do you think it could still be the vacuum lines?
AnswerWhen you "mash" on it does the engine rev at all or does it want to die. If the engine is going but your not, that could be a tranny problem. If your engine still wants to die and all the sensors are good that just leaves vacuum lines. Another thing it could be is the detent solenoid, but that would only cause a problem if you were already rolling(i.e. your cruising at 30 mph and you "mash" the gas your transmission will downshift)