Chevrolet Repair: 1994 chevy 350 intake manifold bolt diagram, pict ures, chevy 350
Questioni for got how the bolt go on the intake so of i have a pict ures of the bolt on the intake
AnswerHi Christina,
I am guessing you are wondering what the pattern is to bolt the intake down. Start on either side, in the middle. Then do the one opposite on the other side. Then do one on either side of the second one. Then do the one on the other side directly across. Then do the one on the other side of the one you started with. Then go directly across and do that one. Then do the one next to the third one. Then go across and do that one. Keep going in this pattern. This is the spiral. It works great when you forgot the pattern.
Looks like this:
10 6 2 3 7
9 5 1 4 8
If 9 or 10 is the back of the motor, then one of them need a ground attached to it. 1 and 4 or 2 and 3 should have a bracket for the accelerator or other cables.
Good luck.