Chevrolet Repair: 2000 Chevrolet S10 pickup alternator, chevrolet s10 pickup, alternator wiring

Scott, my son has the above named truck we have replaced the battery and the battery light continues to stay question is how difficult is it to change the alternator and do i need to have it done at a shop? 4 cyliner, 2.2

its not very difficult. if your prepared b4 hand.

Getting Started
Tools needed:
3/8 socket set (metric or standard depending on make of vehicle)
3/8 ratchet
3/8 extension
3/8 u-joint
Serpentine belt tool
Set of combination wrenches (metric or standard depending on make of vehicle)
Jack stands

Removing the Alternator      

Remove the ground wire (black) from the alternator      

Now disconnect the wire harness from the alternator       

Take off the mounting bolts from the alternator bracket       

Put the alternator in the engine compartment      

Connect the alternator wiring harness      

Connect the ground wire to the alternator       

This is a great time to replace your old worn out belt. When inspecting your old belt look for signs of cracking, oil soaked, hard glazed, splitting or fraying. All these signs mean it’s time you replaced your drive belt.      

Reconnect the ground battery cable