QuestionMy know it all niece ran our 99 Malibu out of fuel on the way home from South Dakota last week (the fuel gauge haven’t worked since we got it, but she was told when and where to fuel, but she knew better than what we told her). Anyway, when this car runs out of fuel, it shuts down everything; you can’t even turn the engine over until the fuel pressure builds back up. Well now it is dieing at stop lights (not always), it is loosing power while driving (not always), and even sometimes everything shuts down when we just get into the car to start it (a couple of days ago, everything clicked on and off about 5 times with in a second or so, after I turned the key to on, but before I turned the key to start). This is the second time this car has ran out of fuel, the first time she had no problems after the shop put fuel into it. Is there a sensor that often goes out after running out of fuel, could a clogged fuel filter cause these odd symptoms? This is driving me nuts; I am not a mechanic (at least that’s what the many service centers I have applied at seem to be telling me). Thank you.
AnswerHi Daniel,
I hate those know it all service centers. I have a lot of credentials, but I am told I am too old (37 years). What ever. Hey, why should I get $20 an hour(or less) when the dealer is charging $75 - $90? This is why I do this myself now. Any way, enough about that...
You are correct, it is the fuel filter...probably. Think of all the crap on the bottom of the tank, that got sucked into the fuel system. Could also be dirty injectors too. You are lucky. Many times nowadays, the fuel pump will fry when it is run dry. At least yours is still working.
Don't be too hard on your niece. Good luck.