Chevrolet Repair: Oil Pan Leak 99 Chevy Suburban 5.7L, gasket leaks, pan gasket

I changed motors in this vehicle about 4 months ago and ever since the oil pan gasket leaks at the front dead center of the swag in the pan, I replaced the gasket and installed a new pan and it still leaks. When we istalled the notor originally we put a new timing cover on it then. Any ideas?

Hi Chris,

Is it leaking at the front seal (crank seal on timing cover)?  Is the timing cover lip bent?  Is there a hole in the cover, or pan?  Is the pan gasket twisted?  Is it possible the new cover lip doesn't reach the pan?

Leaks have a way of looking like they come from somewhere, and really are from somewhere else.  Sometimes far away from where you suspected orginally.

Good luck!