Chevrolet Repair: timing reset, chevy s10 blazer, s10 blazer 4x4

I would really like some help with resetting timing on my chevy 95 4.3 s-10 blazer after engine has been turned over without distribuor ???? also marks on the harmonic balancer?? please what do the marks indicate and where should they be positioned and do I set rotor to fire on Number 6 or 1  thanks man

Well for starters, turning over your engine with out noting or marking the cap placement not good.  Preventative thought saves you some trouble in the long run.

If you have a repair  manual you know the firing order of your engine, then this wil be fast and simple, we hope.

First, this assumes you have not removed the distributor from the engine. If you have, you will need to bring the engine to TDC or "Top Dead Center" in the firing position for the number one cylinder, then reinstall the distributor so that the striker on the distributor rotor is in the firing position for the number 1 position.
**now i found this on the net, so PLS DONT QUOTE ME,AND I"M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU DO TO YOUR VEHICLE NO MATTER WHAT YA READ>> im not 100% sure that this is YOUR firing order, but helpful info maybe: (Copy Url & Paste into new window)
>>>>Chevy S10 Blazer 4x4 with a 4.3 liter V-6 engine.
>>>>>>>>>  <<<<<<<<<

Well, it makes sense at this point to just run through a systematic check of the distributor wires on your engine to be sure the firing order is correct. We may run into the cause of the problem by simply verifying the spark plug firing order on the distributor cap. Most likely there are two spark plug wires in the wrong position on the distributor cap and now the firing order is off.

The firing order should be cast into the intake manifold, if not check a repair manual.   The firing order is the numerical sequence in which the spark plugs are fired. The insertion position of each spark plug wire around the circumference of the distributor cap can be found according to a clock face. The insertion sequence determines the firing order. The firing order is followed clockwise around the distributor cap.

The firing order makes sense if you know how the cylinders are numbered. If you got a repair manual, it shows the firing order with cap and block layout. If you dont have a repair manual you can pick on up cheap , $18 or less, at a good auto parts store.

The rest of the firing order wiring process is a matter of tracing out the spark plug wires and connecting them to the correct terminal.

As a general rule, as I said earlier, follow a clockwise direction around the distributor cap when setting the firing order. This is much easier than following the cylinders along each side of the motor, and trying to skip terminals on the distributor cap while locating the correct distributor cap terminal. It can get too confusing. If you get it wrong, you will likely have to pull them all out and start over to correct the firing order.

Being systematic about it and following the correct firing order around the distributor cap is the best way to be sure you complete the job correctly.

Hope this help you somewhat in the knowledge area.