Chevrolet Repair: camaro rear axel, rear axel, rear tires

hey, i have a 1987 camaro with a 5.7    i have wide tires on the back and wasnt like this  until today..but i noticed that the drivers side wheel is sticking out 1 1/4 further than the passenger side...whats going on and how do i fix it? thankyou so much! oh yea...being that you are a certified you happen to know if it is illegal to run the exhaust out the side of the car right before the rear tires?

ok, where i live, no its not illegal, as long as the pipe runs outside of the body, and the system is sealed. oh, also, it has to have all the components that it came with, meaning cat, muffler. now, the axle. you need to get the rear wheels off the ground and grab the one thats out farther, and try to move it in and out. if you have play, you need to make sure the axle is fastened down. i cant remember what holds the axle in on those off hand, but look at the other side, and that will tell you. its all comparative. start there. next will be play in the rear diff. good luck, and let me know what happens.