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one day in the driveway i went to start my truck and it just turned over didn't fire swapped in a coil nothing happened.all the plugs wires rotor and cap are brand new.notice that there was no fuel at the injectors so now the truck has new pump and filters with new fuel injectors still nothing and no i swapped the computer in the truck still nothing.fuel pump turns on normal building up press and also checked the regulator no cracks and is receiving fuel but the injectors are bone dry and i don't why.please help i need direction on this truck!!!
You didn't mention checking the fuses. There should be one marked inj.
You can also test for power at one of the injector connectors.
With the ignition switch on, one of the wires should have 12 volts.
The other wire goes to the ecm, which completes the ground.
If there is power there, there is a possibility the throttle position sensor is bad.
Have you tried dumping a little gas down the throttle body before cranking, to see if it hits?
thankyou for replying so fast yes i did check all fuses all were good.also try dumping a little down and no fire.but i will metering out the connectors on my injectors and see what reading i get.if not throttle sensor? would that cause the no spark no fuel situation?
A bad throttle sensor will not cause a no-spark condition.
If you don't have power to the injectors, and also no spark, check the fusible links.
The power to the injectors does not go through the computer. It comes from the ignition switch.
So does the power for the ignition.
It is possible for the ignition switch or switch connector to be bad, and still allow the engine to crank with the starter.
thanks again . I meter out both injector connectors and found no make sense to me what your saying about the ignition switch witch i think is located on top of the steering columb. im not sure where the fuseable links are or how to check them. are they just like a fuse holder that you pull apart with fuse in it ?
AnswerThe fusible links look like a different piece of wire spliced to the main wires, usually at the starter battery cable terminal, but possibly on the firewall.
They will be different colors, and the splice is real fat looking.
Check the fuses in the fuse block also.