Chevrolet Repair: 1996 S-10 with no power, jumper wire, fuse box
QuestionHello. My s-10 blew a head gasket recently and I replaced it. I also changed the timing chain due to it having almost 160k miles on it. After I got it back together I have no system electricity at all. The battery is good. I've tried tracing the wiring but haven't found anything useful. Is there some kind of reset button or relay that could be tripped? The starter will jump so I know it's getting power to the system. I've checked all the electrical connections to no avail. I did, however, forget to re-attach the ground wires that were mounted on the rear of both heads. I attached a jumper wire to these and ran it to the motor but still had nothing. Any ideas? I appreciate your help.
AnswerHi Shawn, The first to do is test all the fuses for power. Not sure if yours has a 175amp fuse at the fuse box under the hood on the drivers side but look for it. It is a bolt in fuse where the large red wire goes in the fuse box. Only way to test this fuse is with a test lamp. let me know what you find there.
Have a Nice Day Mark