Chevrolet Repair: Electrical Problems, fuel pump relay, electrical problems
QuestionThe vehicle is a 1989 S10, 2 wheel drive, 2.5 Liter engine, 5 speed manual transmision. The vehicle started to run very rough as if it was out of fuel, so i assumed the pump went bad or was in the process, so i changed that. The truck still wouldnt run proper, it might run, it might not, power going to the pump was not constant, it was very sparatic, it might work and it might not, for no reason. so I checked the wiring, and replaced all fuses and relays. By now im beging to become very frustrated, i might be able to walk out and turn the key and it will run for 30 min and then just quit, and then sometimes it might not start at all. I srated checking farther into the wiring and putting in new computers and trying many dif. things. The last noticeable things is that when the turn signal is on the fuel pump relay will kick out, but if i hold the turn signal lever in between neutral and right, the pump will run contionous. Please help me out im lost and confused
AnswerHi Devin, I would start by checking ALL the grounds on the engine and body. There are a lot of them at the cylinder head. Be sure to check the body grounds from the neg battery post. If these are all good and clean, test at he fuel pump relay to see what goes away when the truck doesn't run. As in the ground or power feed to make the relay work.
Sorry I don't have a whole lot for you
Have a Nice Day Mark