Chevrolet Repair: wiper blades / wiper fluid pump electrical problem, torx head screws, windshield wipers
QuestionI drive a 1996 K1500 pickup with the 4.3L V6 and a manual 5sp. it is a WT model and has manual locks and manual windows- no AC- basically a stripped down model. Recently I started having 2 problems. One involves the windshield wipers and wiper fluid pump. Sometimes neither of them work, and when I try and turn on the wiper fluid I just get a faint buzzing noise and when I try the wiper blades I get the same noise. But, then sometimes if I jolt the truck a little, and then shut off the ignition and recrank it, both work fine. I figure it's some kind of relay that both the wiper fuid pump and the wipers run on, because they either both work or both don't work. It's never one works or the other doesn't. Any ideas?
Problem #2:
Sometimes (not all the time) my truck seems like it's not getting fuel at higher rpm (above 2000- not really that high). It will accelerate fine and then buck a little when the rpms get a little higher. it never does it at low rpm and I've never had trouble starting it. The problem doesn't always go away once it warms up, but does sometimes. Ideas? Fuel pump? ECM?
thanks for the help,
Kit - Atlanta, GA
AnswerHI Kit, First the wiper module is bad. This is bolted to the wiper motor under the hood. There are 3 torx head screws that hold it on. Replace it. I think only the dealer has it but could be wrong on that!!
The running problem... First replace the fuel filter and see how it runs!!!
Hope this helps
Have a Great Day Mark