Question95 suburban wont start
good bat. new starter,good alt.
turn key, will not turn over.
AnswerHi Craig,
Start looking for bad connection.
If you have a meter, check for continuity and resistance at the battery posts to connections, at the starter positive to post.
With the key on, try the old screw driver across the solenoid and positive terminals and see if that starts the truck (make sure the truck is in park and the wheels are chocked).
You said 'new starter'. Is the solenoid terminal hooked up? Is it on the right post? Does the truck start in neutral.
With a meter, read the voltage at the battery, with the engine off. Then have someone turn the key and see if the voltage drops a lot. If you stay around 11.5V, that is good. If you get into the 10's V, your battery is bad.
Hope this helps.