Questioni had a question i had a mis in the engine that wanted to stall the truck i have replaced the coil cap rotor ignition module plug wires and plugs now the engine still misses but lacks power the only thing different is the wires are 8.8 instead of the 8mm it calls for anything to help?
AnswerChecking for vacuum leaks would be a good step.
I would connect a vacuum guage, and that way, you can see if a valve might be sticking, or not closing.
A compression test could also help.
I will send you a couple links to a great Chevy forum, that is free, and a wealth of help.
Here is the referral from Fixitfox33,...that is the name I use there.
Then go to the 1973-1987 Fullsize Trucks, and browse around, and/or post a new question.
Here is that section.
I am on there as Fixitfox33
Good luck,
Van (Fix)