Chevrolet Repair: 1996 Z71 pickup problem, atlanta motor speedway, vacuum lines

The anti-lock brake light started intermitantly coming on in my truck several weeks ago and the only other thing I noticed was that when the light came on, the cruise control would kick off. I was planning to get this worked on as soon as possible but hadn't before now. The last couple days, the light came on when I started the truck (about half the time I started it)and stayed on but I was only driving in town and didn't notice any other symptoms. Last night, I drove on the highway for the first time in a week or so and noticed that the heater controls and the cruise control didn't work, the light was on the whole time.

I am guessing that my problem is in the vacuum system but I wanted to know if there was anything else that could tie all these problems to 1 repair.

Thanks for any insight on this.


The ABS light is probably on due to a possible bad wheel sensor. The heater controls not working could be in the vacuum lines (if there are any) under the dash. What exactly is the problem with the heater control?
Sorry it took so long to answer, went to the Atlanta Motor Speedway to watch the Bass Pro Shop 500 Nascar race.