Chevrolet Repair: cooling system, s10 pickup, fan clutch

I have a 1994 s10 pickup it started overheating. I put a new thermostat in and it still overheats. It has a new water pump and radiater cap.It overflows into the recovery tank and out the tube. I ran radiator cleaner through it. could the radiator need replacing.

Possibly. There are a few things to consider.
Does your fan come on if its electric?
Does your fan clutch operate correctly?
Usually, if it starts overheating all the sudden, it's related to something going bad.
You,ve covered most of them.
Do you have any leaks?
What type of antifreeze is supposed to be in it? If it's supposed to be the orange type and theres green type, it creates an acid and will eat your water pump up fairly quickly.