Chevrolet Repair: ac blower, suburban 4x4, chevy suburban

whats involved at getting to the evaporater core is it a big job or small job?thanks

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Question -

my 1995 chevy suburban 4x4 air conditioning and heater blower isnt blowing strong like it used to. the rear vents blow strong but the front vents blow like they are on low when i have them on max.what are my options on fixing this problem?

Answer -
Hello Jesse,
If the blower motor seems to be running fast enough, but just not moving air like it used to, then the evaporator core could be covered with lint, dirt, and leaves, and just blocking the air flow.

If the blower seems to be running slower than you remember, then I would test the voltage at the blower motor when on high, as well as the condition of the ground wire connections.
If the ground is good, and you have full battery voltage, yet it seems slow, then a new blower motor may be in order.

If there is less than battery voltage, then wire connections, or relay contacts need to be checked. Follow the power wire backward, till you find full battery voltage, and you are in the correct area.


If the bottom of the heater housing is flat, with screws holding it to the bottom of the housing, then it can be removed, and the heater core replaced fairly easily. The evaporator core is in there also, and you might be able to do some cleaning on it from there.
Might also be able to get to it from the vent door thry the cowl under the windshield.
