Chevrolet Repair: 99 s10 blazer, s10 blazer, pan gasket

my dad gave me his blazer 4.3l and said it needed a tune up so i started with the basics plugs, wires,.it still ran rough. i changed the ap ,rotor, fuel filter,the thing started and then shut off.freind said it was probably timing so i decided to replace timing chain.ended up ripping oil pan gasket.pulled engine,changed all gaskets.took dash apart changed heater core.changed almost all sensors.fuel pressure seems good,pump comes on,put all back together it started,shut off and wont start now(sqaure one)when i open the door the security light flashes could this be passlock problem,dont have security light stay on while starting ,or possibly ? any imput at this point would be great

Hi Todd, You have done a lot to this truck and what you have done is no easy job!! The first thing I want you to do is test the fuel pressure. You need to have 58 to 65 PSI or it will not run. If this is good then you need to spray carb cleaner into the air intake and see if it will run for a couple of seconds.If you don't have good pressure, you need a new fuel pump. After you do this get back to me and let me know what happened.
