QuestionI did not install the radio, I purchased the truck for 350, things were wrong with it. I did not recognize these things before this... I just remembered that I replaced the interior a/c control unit is the dashboard a few weeks ago. I will back tracks that... but there were no lose wires they were all male/female connected.
Followup To
Question -
seems to have a electrical problem. when I open the door the car radio goes off, when I push in the lighter the radio goes off, when I turn on the interior lights the radio goes off. Some reason (I think electrical problem) the dome light would come on when I turned on the interior light now on the floor lights come on. oh also when I open the door the radio goes off. The blower fan will work sometimes and others not...
Answer -
Now thats a mystery machine.
Actually the problem sounds like the radio has been connected to either the fuse box that operates the cig lighter and interior light, or a wire that is in conjunction with that.
Just guessing, but did you have a radio installed?
We will work on the blower fan after we fix the interior light problem.
AnswerFind the power wire to your radio and disconnect it. Reattach the wire to a power source that comes on with the key in the accessories position. Then try opening your door and operating your cig lighter. Your problem should be solved.
The blower motor working intermittently sounds like the wire going to the blower motor under the hood could be loose.