Chevrolet Repair: alternator went bad, now cant figure out whats wrong!, chevy celebrity, alternater

I have a 1989 Chevy Celebrity with 165,000 miles. I bought the car just over a year ago, and it ran great, until the alternater went out. I had to drive it, knowing the alternater was shot for approximately one mile(just running on the battery.) I know the alternator was shot because it was shooting sparks. I replaced the alternator, and now the car refuses to run for more than 20 seconds, and during those few seconds, the idle is extremely low and won't respond to my accelleration. I have tested the spark, and it is fine. I have replaced the fuel pump, TPS, pcv valve, and the Idle air control. This car ran great before the alternater went bad, and now that it has been replaced, It won't run. The computer is showing no problems. All help is appreciated greatly.

Thank you!  

Hi Travis, The idle needs to be relearned after you disconnected the battery. First you need to clean the throttle plate with a old tooth brush and carb cleaner to remove all the carbon on the plate and the bore inside. Now run the engine in gear at idle for 10 minutes, turn off the engine and wait 1 minute and do the again. This should fix you problem.

Have a Great Day          Mark