Chevrolet Repair: Corsica Speedo, liter engine, dash unit
Question Hello, I have a 92 Corsica, with the 3.1 liter engine and auto trans, with a/c if that makes any difference. The speedometer just quit, so I I peeked under the dash to see what I could see. The only cable I found went under the center console hump back towards the shifter, though it did come out from the general area of the speedo. I have a Chilton's book for it, though it's not specific to the speedo, just removing the cluster. It seems to me that it's electronic, and controlled by a speed sensor in the trans. How can I make the speedo happy again? Thanks, Josh
AnswerHi Josh, Yes the speedo is electronic and that signal comes from the ECM (computer that runs the engine). I would replace the ECM first because I have never seen a dash unit go bad, I guess it can happen but I haven't heard of it. You will find the ECM behind the glove box.
Have a Great Day Mark