Chevrolet Repair: 2.2 litre head bolt torque, bolt torque, chevy cavalier

my car is a 1996 chevy cavalier and i need to kno what the head bolt torque is for this car when repairing the head gasket. 2.2 litre engine

There is a sequence to tighten them in, but basically, it starts in the middle, and circles around it.
Tighten the LONG bolts to 23 Ft Lbs, and the Short ones and the stud to 22 Ft Lbs.
Then go back, and in the same order, tighten the long ones to 46 Ft Lbs. Nothing added to the short ones and stud.

THEN..make a final pass over ALL the bolts and stud, and turn each one an additional 100 degrees.
That is just a little over a quarter turn more.
