Chevrolet Repair: 2002 Tahoe, tahoe lovers, service managers

I have a 2002 Tahoe that stalls. This happen under no particular driving circumstances. It has happened intermittingly without reason. I have replaced the fuel pump and filter but it still occurs. My vehicle has 93K miles and I recently purchased it at an auction so I was unaware that there was a problem with the vehicle. Has this happened to others that you are aware of and is there advice you would have on how to rectify this problem. Thank you for any help you could offer as I am at a loss for whatelse can be done to fix it and my wife wants me to sell it.  

Following is a link to a chevy talk forum about Tahoes. Go there, sign in,(absolutely free), and ask the same question. Tahoe lovers from all over the world will read it, and you will get many answers and suggestions.
Some from mechanics, some from service managers, and some from just other guys that like to work on stuff, Tahoes in particular.

Good luck,