Chevrolet Repair: oil pressure blown filter gasket, oil pressure gauge, pressure relief valve

I have a noisy lifter and about six months ago I added Solder Seal Gunk to the oil system to try to clean out deposits. About two weeks later (coincidentally a day after an oil change) I started the engine cold, it turned over hard, and not more that 30 seconds later the oil pressure gauge topped out (the needle maxed) and the oil filter gasket blew. I shut the engine off and had it towed to a repair shop. $270.00 later they told me they couldn't find anything wrong with it. They did say the pressure relief valve could be sticking, but it wasn't when they tested the oil pressure. I drove it home and this particular problem didn't turn up again until today. In the meantime it has been turning over hard now and then when it's cold, but not very often (maybe once or twice a month). The lifter makes a little noise when it's cold, but again not very often. Right now it will start but the pressure gauge buries at max (right after it turns over) so I have to turn off the engine immediately. I'm at a loss here. Thank you very much.

Hi Josh,
Just about has to be the pressure relief valve. Even if there was a chunk of something plugging an oil line, it should open.

And in future questions, please add some information as to what kind of vehicle, what engine, etc, ok?

Good luck,