Chevrolet Repair: A/C & spark plugs, chevy impala, fan switch
Question" My wife has a 2002 Chevy Impala. When she turns the air on to the #1 position, nothing comes out but all the other speed positions work. What could be causing this? Also, I want to change the spark plugs, I see three in the front of the block, where are the other three and are they hard to get at? Thanx
AnswerMore than likly the fan switch needs to be replaced, as for the spark plugs the other 3 plugs are located at the back of the block ( really the right side as the engine sits sideways ) they can be tough to get to but it can be done with patience, if you see a dog bone style motor mount on top by the radiatior, you can disconnect that and tilt the motor forward this allows for easier access to the back set of plugs