Chevrolet Repair: Fuel injection, chevy blazer, 2000 chevy blazer

Last month I bought a 2000 chevy blazer 4x4.60K Some times when I'm driving it feels like there is not enough power, and two times when I hit the gas in traffic  the truck stalled, I was able to quickly restart on both occasions. Both stalls occured in slow moving traffic under 15 mph. Do you think I should pay a shop to do a fuel injector cleaning? Also how important is it to change the fluid in the transfer case and front and rear differencials?
Thanks for your help.

Hello Doug,
I would run some injector cleaner thru the gas tank.
Actually yours sounds more like the EGR valve might be sticking a little.

The oil you ask about...depends on if it is used in a lot of mud and water, and how severely it gets used. But just normal road use, I would check it occasionally, but I hardly ever change it on my fleet, unless I find water has gotten into it.
