Chevrolet Repair: car dies, throttle position sensor, chevy suburban
QuestionI have a 01 chevy suburban 5.3ltr 74,000 miles. Sometimes while im driving it just dies on me especially when i am slowing down.It seems to idle at about 400 rpm while in drive also while it is idling my volts for the batt seem to be below 14v until i press on the accelerator then they climb again the problem isnt constant.I also havent had any check engine light come on lately. All though it has come on in the past but i tightened up the gas cap and that went away.
AnswerThe alternator output is reading low do to the low idle, so that is normal, you will need to have a diagnostic test done to determine what is causing your problem ( Low idle and stalling ) , even though the check engine light went out, the code is still stored in the vehicles computer until manually cleared, also they can get a reading of how the engine sensors are performing, my guess would be that your vehicle may have a bad TPS ( Throttle Position Sensor )but without a proper test it is really near impossible to figure out, have the test done at a shop you trust, your dealer is best suited for the vehicle however other shops can be just as good, I wish I could be more help, good luck