Chevrolet Repair: Chevy s-10 stalls when not moving, voltage meter, preasure

I have a 91 chevy s-10 4cyl 2.5 ltr.  When I am at a stop for a long period of time the Voltage meter continues to sink.  As it gets lower the truck starts to sputter and eventually dies.  I replaced the alternator and plugs with no success.  When I am at driving speed the voltage reads 12 - 14 volts without a problem.  At a stop the volt meter fluctuates based on the accessories running.  If all are turned off it still runs down.  I have no problem with the truck sitting for several days, it keeps a charge.  If the truck gets to the point of completely dying I need to recharge the battery before it runs again.  The Temp Sensor reads about 200 and only rises slightly when at a stop.  The oil preasure does drop a bit the warmer it gets.  This remains the same even after an oil change.  I am hoping you can help...

Hello Ronald,
i would check the condition of the belt, and belt tensioner if it has one.
Make sure the belt is tight enough and is turning the alternator.
If the belt is in good shape, and tight enough, I would think about speeding up the idle. Next would be testing, and possibly replacing the alternator.
Most parts houses will test it for you for free, on the truck, or on the bench, either way.
