Chevrolet Repair: 93 S-10 chevy pickup, chevy pickup, patrick thomas

Hi Mark, i am asking this question for step son who is having trouble with his 1994 S-10 Chevy Pickup. he started his engine and it had a aweful knock and his fan isn't moving. Does this problem sound like a broken timing gear or chain to yourself? We shut it right down. hope this is enough information to possibly give an idea 'the possibility" this could be. It ran ok in the morning on his way to work it shut down that morning ok though.  When they went to start it before going home in afternoon Engine started but engine knocked and they looked under hood and fan motor wasn't turning and they heard a loud knock in the engine. I thought it could Possibly be a broken timing belt or gear? please let me know if this sounds like it could be a timing belt or gear.
patrick Thomas
[email protected]

Hi Patrick, The first thing i would do is remove the drive belt and check all the stuff it drives. The waterpump,alternator,etc. One of these might just be sized up. If the fan doesn't turn and the engine is running, it has to be something like that.

Hope this helps!!!
