Chevrolet Repair: no start 1994 LT 1, new years day, rough run
QuestionHi, I parked my "Buick Wagon" with the LT1 the day after X-mas. I went to use it New Years day and I could not start it. It has 133,000 miles and has been running great untill now. I sprayed starting fluid into the throttle body and got no responce so I am thinking it is "no spark". We just got hammered with a snow storm so I will check for spark today
( 01-04-06 ). I have changed crank sensors, cam sensors, ignition modules, and ECMs on my other GMs 2.8, 3.8 (1988- 1994) cars. There are no engine error codes or emission codes either. Is it possible for someone with my (limited ) knowledge to trouble shoot and repair this one also (realistically?) Thanks, Harry
AnswerHi Harry, This engine has a ignition coil that is not part of the dist assembly. I would test at the coil for spark. It could be just a coil wire that has gone bad. The dist on this engine has had some problems but it almost aways causes a rough run and not a no start! Yes I think you can test this just like a normal engine and figure out what the problem is.
Have a Great Day Mark