QuestionI have a 2000 tracker. The blower motor stopped working on all speds. I have checked the fuse box and all fuses are ok. Can u tell me where the blower motor is located? also do u know where the resistor pack is? I am an electrician with a good knowledge of circuit repair (if I can find them :)
Thanks a lot
AnswerHi Tim,
I have never touched a Tracker, but your average Chevy has the blower in front of the passenger seat area.
Removing the glove box generally gets to the area, and on pickups, the resistor pack is located there, mounted on top of the heater housing, but actually extending down into the housing, so the air flow can cool the resistors.
On some S10 models, the blower and resistors are accessed under the hood.
The resistor connector has about 5 or 6 wires going to it, and if you can believe it, the plastic housing where the resistors are, must be melted out, or cut out, in order to get the resistor pack out. Kinda stupid I think, but the repair manual shows exactly where to draw the lines, and use a solder gun with a plastic welding blade, to cut the housing out. Then remelt it back in.
HOWEVER..normally, the resistor pack is bypassed in the HIGH speed mode, so if your blower doesn't work even on high, it is probably not the resistors.
The possibilities that come to mind then, are,
1.The blower motor sure the ground wire is good.
2.The switch or control module.
3. If it has a blower relay.
4. A loose connection.
Find the blower motor, and jump some battery voltage to it. That will tell pretty quick if it is good, or the ground is good.
As for fuses, that blower could actually have a fusible link, in addition to the fuse for the control circuit. I just don't know on a Tracker.