Chevrolet Repair: truck jerking, fuel pressure regulator, chevorolet
Questionhello.i have a 1993 chevorolet s10 2wd with the 4.3 engine.heres problem i can be riding down the road at any speed my truck starts 2 sputter and jerk then stops 4 awhile then starts 2 again.i tried alcohol in take fuel injection cleaner premium fuel and i'm still having truck has went from 24 miles a gallon 2 abt 15.i need 2 know asap what i need2do 2 fix problem.any info will b apreciated.
AnswerHello Kevin, The first thing to do is replace the dist cap,rotor and plug wires, if this hasn't been done yet. If this engine has CPI injection there could be a problem with the injector. They have a fuel pressure regulator that is inside the intake manifold and when the regulator diaphame goes bad it will leak gas and make it run rich on the #2 and 4 cylinders. This problem is most notice at start up, the engine will run very rough for a couple if minutes then clear up.
Hope this helps