Questionmy problem is my headlights flicker while
driving at night only slightly+ if i park in front
of a wall at night headlights on, rev up the
engine the lights go brighter as usual but
as the rpm of the engine comes down . both
headlights will do a small flicker + go brighter for a split second. can you help ?thankyou.
92 chev silverado
AnswerHi James,
I don't know that I can help. It may not be a problem, but if it is noticable, there are a couple things that might help.
For starters, remove the battery cables, and make sure they are real clean where the metal touches. You can remove the bolt from the cable ends, and peel that rubber cover back off, so you can get after them with a wire brush, and some running water. That is the best cleaner I have found once the corrosion is washed away.
Make sure all the connections are tight after cleaning them.
It may just be the voltage regulator turning the alternator on and off. The regulator is inside the alternator, so replacement is kinda pricey.