QuestionI have a 1996 Chevrolet pick up. I drove it home last Wed. night from work and when I went to start it. It would not start. It turns over fine. Where do I start? Ignition or fuel?
AnswerHi Kent,
First, get back by the fuel tank, and have someone turn the switch to run. You should hear the fuel pump in the tank run for about two seconds, then shut off.
If it does, then I would pull a plug wire, and see if there is spark.
If the pump does NOT run, check the fuel pump fuse. It may not be in the fuse block. For years, they had it in its own little covered storage clip on the firewall, near the relay.
If the pump does run, and there is spark, I would connect a fuel pressure tester, and see what it is getting, but lacking a tester, I would probably replace the filter, which is bolted to the frame, under the drivers seat area.
While the filter is off, I might even connect a hose to the rear line, and see if the pump puts out. Be careful with that situation though, not to spray a bunch of gas near any spark or flame.
Testing the pressure will depend on what type injection system it has. Throttle body injection only needs 13 PSI, but some MPFI systems have 45PSI or more.