Chevrolet Repair: replacing manifold gasket, silicone gasket, chevy malibu
Question98 chevy malibu 3.1
i am getting ready to replace trhe manifold gaskets. i have done this on a 79 camaro but with all the emissions nowadays i was wondering if there were some pitfalls i may need to be aware of before diving into it. any advice is GREATLY appreciated.
AnswerHello Randy,
Pretty much the same as the 79, with one major exception.
Don't use any silicone gasket sealer unless it is from a parts house, and says right on the package that it is oxygen sensor safe. Don't let anyone tell you that doesn't matter anymore, either. Regular silicone sealer fumes, when sucked in and burned, will ruin an oxygen sensor.
Same with any silicone spray lubricant used in the intake system.
Other than that, pretty normal.