QuestionI am trying to replace the turnsignal switch on my 93 S10 Blazer. I've followed the Chilton instructions for removing the steering wheel.
The confusion begins when i attempt to remove the plate cover. There are instructions for 83-91
and 92-93. Instead of being long winded i can email the conflicting instructions and pics of my colums with steering wheel removed. You'll
see i can't pry off the cover without damaging the vinyl steering wheel column housing
AnswerHi Bill,
You could send them, but first, have you pressed the lock plate down onto the shaft to expose the little snap ring in the groove in the shaft?
That ring must be removed. The lock plate is NOT pried off.
The pictures show what looks like a puller pulling on that lock plate, but that tool is actually connected to the threads on the top of the shaft, and the legs are not under the plate, but rather sit on top of the plate, and push the plate downward in relation to the shaft, allowing access to the snap ring. Remove the snap ring, and the plate comes right up as the "puller" tool is backed off.
Tool is also needed to get the snap ring back in during assembly.
Lots of parts houses will loan you that tool if you regularly buy parts from them.