Chevrolet Repair: ABS problem on Chevy Prizm, chevy prizm, autohelp

I have a '99 Chevy Prizm and the ABS light is on usually 95% of time.

It has been into a mechanic 3 times.  The first time the light went off before it got to the shop and they couldn't reproduce the problem and no codes were stored in the computer. The second time the light was on and they "found the problem" which was a bad relay.  The part was a special order so I took it back a 3rd time, a week later to have the relay put in. I drove the car around for 10 minutes or so after the relay was replaced and the light stayed off. Later that day the light came back on.

Currently the ABS light is on. Only sometimes when I brake on certain angles of road does it seem to go off.  Then after driving and braking a whle the light comes back on.

I know this isn't much to go on but any clues or directions would be appreciated.

Whoever your taking it to apparently is NOT familiar with diagnosing your problem and I suggest you find another facility. The ABS system stores what is called CODES and if you do not have the technical skills or the equipment to diagnose and fix the system all they are doing is spending your money on GUESSING.

I would suspect a faulty wheel sensor BUT would run a diagnostic FIRST.
